광주과학기술원 GIST 최정옥 교수님의 “그래프 이론” 수업, 2024년 가을학기 중 Homework 5
1. Consider an edge $e \in E(T) - E(T')$. Since $e$ is not in $T'$, adding $e$ to $T'$ results in the graph $T' + e$.
- Because $T'$ is a spanning tree, it already spans all vertices of $G$.
- This means there is a path in $T'$ between any two vertices. Adding $e$, which is incident to two vertices already connected by a path in $T'$, must create a cycle in $T' + e$. Let this cycle be $C$.
2. Since $C$ is a cycle in the graph $T' + e$, it contains at least two distinct paths between the vertices incident to $e$.
- These paths consist of edges from $T'$, because $T'$ spans the entire vertex set of $G$.
- As $e \in E(T)$ and $e \not\in E(T')$, the cycle $C$ must contain at least one edge from $T'$ that is not in $T$.
- This edge is denoted by $e' \in E(T') - E(T)$, and it lies on $C$.
3. Now consider the graph $T' + e - e'$.
- By deleting $e'$ from $C$, the cycle is destroyed, and the resulting graph $T' + e - e'$ is acyclic.
- Since $T' + e - e'$ still spans all vertices of $G$, because neither $e$ nor $e'$ disconnects any vertex, it remains connected and contains $n - 1$ edges.
- Therefore, $T' + e - e'$ is a spanning tree of $G$.
4. Next, consider the graph $T - e + e'$.
- Deleting the edge $e$ from $T$ breaks the tree structure and may disconnect the graph, leaving it no longer a tree.
- However, adding the edge $e' \in E(T') - E(T)$ reconnects the graph because $e'$ lies on the cycle $C$, which connects vertices that were possibly disconnected by removing $e$.
- Since the graph $T - e + e'$ now has $n - 1$ edges and remains connected, it must be a tree.
- Additionally, because no cycles were introduced by this operation, $T - e + e'$ is acyclic.
- Thus, $T - e + e'$ is a spanning tree of $G$.