광주과학기술원 GIST 최정옥 교수님의 “그래프 이론” 수업, 2024년 가을학기 중 Homework 6
아래 풀이엔 논리적 오류는 없으나, 아래에 그려둔 k=3, k=5 예시에 K4를 추가하는 방식으로 그래프를 구성해보면 더 쉽게 표현할 수 있다. 규칙성을 찾아보고 예시의 두 그래프를 각각 G1, G2로 정의하고, Union 기호를 이용해 K4를 몇개 추가하면 조건을 완성시킬 수 있을지 검토해보면된다.
We will consider two cases:
- Case 1: $k$ is even
- Imagine the complete graph $K_{k+1}$.
- This is a $k$-regular graph with $k+1$ vertices.
- Since $K_{k+1}$ has an odd number of vertices, it is impossible to pair up all vertices. Therefore, one vertex will always remain unmatched.
- As a result, $K_{k+1}$ is a $k$-regular graph that has no 1-factor.
- Imagine the complete graph $K_{k+1}$.
- Case 2: $k$ is odd
- We will construct a graph with a central vertex $v^*$, connecting it to $k$ subgraphs to create a $k$-regular graph.
- Let each subgraph $G_i$ $(1 \leq i \leq k)$ connected to the vertex $v^*$ have an odd number of vertices.
- These subgraphs are independent of each other, and the only connection between them occurs through the central vertex $v^*$.
- To ensure the regularity of the graph, each subgraph $G_i$ will contain $(k-1) \times 2 + 1$ vertices.
- One vertex in $G_i$ will have degree $k-1$, and all other vertices will have degree $k$.
- The $k-1$ degree vertex in $G_i$ is adjacent to $v^*$ in the entire graph.
- For $k=3$, $G_i$ will have 5 vertices.
- For $k=5$, $G_i$ will have 9 vertices.
- Below is an example for $k=3$ and $k=5$:
- Mathematical Induction:
- We will prove that this construction works for all odd $k$ using mathematical induction:
- Base Case:
- Let $k=3$. We construct a subgraph $G_i$ with 5 vertices:
- One vertex has degree $k-1=2$, while the other vertices have degree $k=3$.
- This satisfies the conditions of the problem.
- Let $k=3$. We construct a subgraph $G_i$ with 5 vertices:
- Inductive Hypothesis:
- Assume that for $k=n$, a subgraph $G_i$ exists with $(n-1) \times 2 + 1$ vertices, where:
- One vertex has degree $n-1$, and the remaining vertices have degree $n$.
- Assume that for $k=n$, a subgraph $G_i$ exists with $(n-1) \times 2 + 1$ vertices, where:
- Inductive Step:
- For $k=n+2$, we construct the subgraph by adding four vertices $a, b, c, d$ to $G_i$:
- Add edges as follows:
- Connect $a$ and $x$, as well as $a$ to vertices in a subset $A$ of $V(G_i) \setminus {x}$.
- Similarly, connect $b$ and $x$, as well as $b$ to vertices in $A$.
- Connect $c$ and $d$ to vertices in a disjoint subset $B$.
- Add edges $a-c$, $b-c$, $a-d$, $b-d$, and $c-d$.
- Add edges as follows:
- This ensures that all vertices maintain degree $n+2$ and preserves the properties of the graph.
- For $k=n+2$, we construct the subgraph by adding four vertices $a, b, c, d$ to $G_i$:
- Base Case:
- Since each subgraph $G_i$ has an odd number of vertices, it cannot form a 1-factor on its own.
- When $v^*$ is removed, the remaining subgraphs still have an odd number of vertices, making a 1-factor impossible.
- According to Tutte's theorem, a graph $G$ has a 1-factor if and only if for every vertex set $S \subseteq V(G)$, the number of odd components in the graph $o(G-S)$ satisfies:
o(G-S) \leq |S|,
where $o(G-S)$ is the number of odd components in the graph obtained by removing the vertex set $S$.
- When $v^*$ is removed, the remaining components are the $k$ subgraphs $G_1, G_2, \dots, G_k$.
- Let $S = {v^*}$, the single vertex we removed.
- The number of odd components in the graph after removing $S$ is $k$, which is greater than $|S|$ ($|S|=1$).
- By Tutte's theorem, this violates the necessary condition.
- We will prove that this construction works for all odd $k$ using mathematical induction:
Thus, for $k$ odd, we can construct a $k$-regular graph with no 1-factor.